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Member and Guest Pop Up Pickleball Tournament

view options Welcome to our Member and Guest Pickleball Tournament, where fun and friendly competition await players of all skill levels! This special event brings together our valued members and their invited guests for an exciting day of doubles pickleball action. Pairs consisting of one member and one guest team up to showcase their skills and teamwork on the courts. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the sport, this tournament offers a welcoming environment for all participants to enjoy.

Available brackets:
Men's Beginner Doubles
Men's Intermediate Doubles
Men's Advanced Doubles
Women's Beginner Doubles
Women's Intermediate Doubles
Women's Advanced Doubles
Coed Beginner Doubles
Coed Intermediate Doubles
Coed Advanced Doubles

The format of the tournament includes three guaranteed round-robin matches followed by a single elimination bracket, ensuring plenty of opportunities for teams to compete and advance. Beyond the competition, the Member and Guest Pickleball Tournament provides a fantastic opportunity for members to introduce their friends, family, or colleagues to the MJCCA so they too may come to know and love our space. It's a chance to share the joy of pickleball and strengthen our MJCCA community both on and off the court.