MJCCA Aquatics
The safety of our swimmers is of the utmost importance.
Multiple Red Cross-certified lifeguards guard our pools at all times. Plus, our facilities are equipped with a state-of-the-art lightning warning system that provides alerts when lightning is within a few miles of the MJCCA. The warning allows ample time to clear the outdoor pool area before lightning is within close range.
We’re hiring lifeguards and swim instructors!
Benefits of working as a lifeguard at the MJCCA include a starting pay rate of up to $16 per hour and flexible and set schedule options. Teens who are 15 or older and who are certified lifeguards can apply. Apply now! Swim instructors will lead small groups of swimmers through a series of progressively challenging swim skills and teach and lead with encouragement and positive reinforcement. Apply now!
Would you like to be notified via email of pool closings? Sign up today.
All children under the age of 4 – or who are not fully potty trained – must wear a disposable swim diaper under a reusable polyester/cotton (machine washable) swim diaper. Non-disposable swim diapers provide a tighter fit, which helps avoid lengthy pool closures due to accidents. Both diapers MUST be worn underneath a swimsuit. If this policy is not adhered to, children will not be permitted to enter our pools. Review the policy and purchase your swim diapers here.
Partners and Affiliations
The MJCCA’s Inclusion Program strives to provide the necessary accommodations and flexibility for youth who require additional support so they may access the transformative opportunities available at the MJCCA. Our Inclusion Team collaborates with parents, educators, and staff to determine if successful program placement is possible. These youth and their families are then supported by our Inclusion Team through program accommodations and may also receive individualized assistance. Click here for more information.