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Monday Pop-Up Tournaments

view options Sign up today for our Monday Pop-Up Tournaments! During each of the two Monday nights, players of all skill levels compete in divisions appropriate to their skills in thrilling matches, showcasing teamwork and skill. The format includes at least three guaranteed round-robin matches followed by a single elimination bracket, ensuring plenty of action. Each of the winning teams will walk away with a valuable prize package Beyond competition, it's a chance to connect and build friendships along with the opportunity to experience playing in our new, state of the art pickleball facility.
date time location fee age code
date Co-Ed Doubles - 8/26
Monday, 08.26.2024 - 08.26.2024 (1 session)
time 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
location MJCCA Zaban Park fee $50
Open to the Community
age 18 - 120 Years code #54914 Continue to Registration
Monday, August 26, 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
date Men's Doubles - 9/23
Monday, 09.23.2024 - 09.23.2024 (1 session)
time 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
location MJCCA Zaban Park fee $50
Open to the Community
age 18 - 120 Years code #54915 Continue to Registration
Monday, September 23, 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm