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Resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto

view options Join us this Holocaust Remembrance Day, Yom Hashoah, as Judy Schancupp, Lerner Fellow of the Jewish Foundation of the Righteous, examines the challenges and choices of individuals living under oppressive conditions in the Warsaw Ghetto. Learn about the many forms of resistance, including secret archives, smuggling children out of the ghetto, “choiceless choices” of the Jewish Council, and of course, the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.  Ms. Schancupp will discuss both how the Jews managed any type of resistance at all and why the armed resistance copuld not take place sooner.
Come to this meaningful event to learn and to be inspired.
Light snacks will be served.
date time location fee age code
date Resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto
Monday, 05.06.2024 - 05.06.2024 (1 session)
time 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
location MJCCA Zaban Park fee $10.00
Open to the Community
age 18 - 120 Years code #54918 Continue to Registration
Monday, May 6, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm