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Safe Sitter™ Babysitter Training – Spring ’25

view options Safe Sitter™ teaches young babysitters everything they need to know to keep themselves, and the children in their care, safe. This class is conducted in two separate classes, each lasting two and a half hours. This nationally recognized program includes childcare techniques, babysitting as a business, and online/cellphone safety training.
date time location fee age code
date Safe Sitter™ Session III
Sundays, 03.09.2025 - 03.16.2025 (2 sessions)
time 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
location MJCCA Zaban Park fee Member $135.00
Community $165.00
age 10 Years + code #55097 Continue to Registration
Sunday, March 9, 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Sunday, March 16, 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm