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VSP Social Group – May ’24

view options A monthly community gathering hosted at a variety of local establishments to offer the opportunity for people to gather and enjoy an evening with friends or to meet new people.

In May, we will tour Peachtree Farm, a farm run by adults with developmental disabilities. Here, they grow crops outside and in a greenhouse, collect eggs, and even have a few beehives! A drink and light snack will be provided.
date time location fee age code
date VSP Social Group - May
Thursday, 05.16.2024 - 05.16.2024 (1 session)
time 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
location Peachtree Farm fee $25.00
Open to the Community
age 16 - 100 Years code #55110 Continue to Registration
Thursday, May 16, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm