Zionism Before & After October 7th
view options Our world was turned upside down on October 7, 2023. The Israel we love is not the same, and Zionism is not the same. Over the last months, many of us listened alone or together to video-taped lectures and podcasts, but there was not enough time to discuss what we heard or what we felt. This class has been designed to do just that: to revisit the past and imagine the future... hear a variety of voices from the past, examine original documents that led to the establishment of political Zionism, and consider a variety of responses to the present situation.The class will run 1 1/2 hours so that there will be sufficient time to add your voices to the conversation. Join us to delve beyond the noise in TV sound bites to gain a new understanding of Zionism: How did it all begin? What were some of the choices of the past? What are some new responses?
Instructor: Dr. Shelley Buxbaum
date | time | location | fee | age | code | |||||||||||||||||||
Zionism Before & After October 7th Part 2
Mondays, 01.06.2025 - 04.28.2025 (15 sessions)
10:30 am - 12:00 pm |
location The Temple |
$390.00 Open to the Community |
age 18 - 120 Years | code #56616 | Continue to Registration |
Zionism Before & After October 7th PART 2
Wednesdays, 01.08.2025 - 04.23.2025 (15 sessions)
10:30 am - 12:00 pm |
location MJCCA Zaban Park |
Member $390.00 Community $420.00 |
age 18 - 120 Years | code #56336 | Continue to Registration |