Code of Conduct
The Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta (MJCCA) is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all members, guests, and staff. To ensure the safety and security of all, the MJCCA requires individuals using the facilities or participating in our programs to conduct themselves in a considerate and responsible manner, and to respect the rights and dignity of other members, guests, and staff.
All members, guests, and staff using the facilities or participating in our programs are expected to abide by the following policies.
- Individuals entering any MJCCA facility or MJCCA sponsored activity must conduct themselves in a manner consistent with a family atmosphere.
- Each person entering the MJCCA is required to swipe his/her membership card at our access control scanning stations, door panels and/or sign-in through our guest check-in kiosk available at all customer service desks.
- When a non-member signs in at one of the guest check-in kiosks, he/she must also provide proof of identification to the MJCCA customer service representative.
- Any suspicious or inappropriate behaviors must be reported to the MJCCA staff. Members and guests should not hesitate to notify a staff member if assistance is needed.
- Packages or bags shall not be left unattended at any time. Members and guests must report any unattended packages to the MJCCA staff.
- All members and guests must adhere to emergency procedures and protocols instructed by the MJCCA security team and staff (i.e. fire drills, tornado drills, etc.). Tampering with, disabling, or disarming an alarm system (ie. Fire alarm) is strictly prohibited.
- Members and/or guests will not engage in any disruptive actions including but not limited to:
- Angry or vulgar language, including swearing, name-calling, shouting, or any other conduct of an inappropriate, threatening or offensive nature.
- Physical contact with another person in an angry, hostile, or threatening way.
- Any demonstration of sexual harassment, activity, or conduct with another person.
- Harassment or any derogatory or offensive conduct or language, including jokes, slurs, pranks, epithets, or other verbal conduct, related to race; color; pregnancy; childbirth or related medical conditions; religion; sex (including same sex); national origin; age; sexual orientation; disability or handicap; veteran or service member status; marital status; citizenship status; genetic information; or any other category protected by federal, state, or local law.
- Theft or behavior that results in destruction of property.
- Carrying or concealing any weapons, devices, or objects that may be perceived as weapons; with the exception of law enforcement and authorized MJCCA Security personnel.
- Smoking, vaping, or the use of e-cigarettes or chewing tobacco inside the building or outside on the grounds of the MJCCA. The MJCCA and its property are smoke-free environments.
- Manufacture, sell, distribute, dispense, possess, use, trade, offer for sale, or offer to buy illegal or prescribed drugs, or otherwise engage in the illegal use of drugs, or consumption of alcohol beverages on MJCCA property, or at MJCCA sponsored events/program.
- Children in fifth (5th) grade or younger should not be left unattended under any circumstances on MJCCA property. Children under the age of thirteen (13) should not be left unattended in the pool or fitness areas.
- Solicitation of any kind on MJCCA property.
Membership Suspension or Revocation
Membership may be suspended or revoked based on the severity of the violation. This will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Membership suspension will be determined by a team comprised of the Security Director, Membership Director, the Chief Programming Officer, the Chief Executive Officer, and the Director of Human Resources, if the violation involves an employee.
Parents and guardians are responsible for the behavior of their children while using MJCCA facilities and/or participating in MJCCA programs.
The MJCCA reserves the right to deal with violations of the MJCCA Code of Conduct at our discretion at any given time to include, but not limited to, refusal of service, removal from MJCCA property, suspension and/or revocation of membership privileges and facility access.
The MJCCA reserves the right to update the MJCCA Code of Conduct without prior notice to MJCCA members, guests, and staff.