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Important Registration Instructions
If the birthday or grade fields are already populated and/or have incorrect information, please do NOT edit those fields. Changing it here will result in an error. Please notify us separately of any corrections needed at Also, if you get to the “Pay” button but it doesn’t work, look at the top bar where it says questions and waivers. If the questions button is lit up in red, it means you accidentally did not answer at least one of the required questions. Please go back to answer all questions with a red asterisk next to them. If it lights up green and you’ve signed all waivers, the payment button should work. If it does not, please email and we can assist you with registration.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Club J?

Club J provides children the perfect opportunity to grow, explore, and make lifelong friendships. We pick up your child from their schools and bring them to the MJCCA for an afternoon of fun and friendship! Afternoons are spent enjoying activities like games, drama, arts & crafts, a homework period, and lots of time outdoors. Club J participants benefit from our science activities, like experimenting with sound vibrations and making balloon launchers, and our community service projects. We’re always having creative fun, like building Lincoln Log structures with pool noodles, designing bridges with LEGOS, and so much more throughout our 52-acre campus!

Club J hours are from 2:00 pm through 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

The mission of Club J is to serve the Jewish community and the community at large by promoting caring relationships among children and adults, enabling children to develop their interests and expand their abilities, and offering children a sense of belonging to a greater community for which we are all responsible.


  • Create a safe and fun environment where children can develop friendships and explore new ideas.
  • Ensure that all children complete their homework daily.
  • Help children to develop empathy for others and learn to accept people’s differences.
  • Build self-confidence in children by helping them to expand their abilities and discover how their actions impact their relationships with others.
  • Offer a variety of social, recreational, cultural, and community service activities.
  • Teach Jewish values and traditions to children for them to understand their importance in, and responsibility to, our community and the world.

What is the eligibility for enrollment?

Boys and girls must be in Pre-K-5th grade during the 2024-2025 school year to be eligible for enrollment. Kids in Pre-K must be 4 years old by September 1, 2024. All children must be able to verbally communicate wants and needs and adhere to enhanced behavior guidelines. All children enrolled in Club J are expected to be toilet trained. Toilet trained means that the child wears underwear, does not wet or soil him or herself except on rare occasions, can express to an adult when he or she must go to the bathroom and can handle himself or herself in the bathroom independently. This includes being able to manage his or her clothing, operate a toilet, and clean his or her own body.

How are your prioritizing registration?

Priority registration will be given to families who previously attended Club J. All enrollments are subject to space availability. Incomplete registrations will not be processed, regardless of the date and timestamp. Registrations submitted without a payment form are considered incomplete and cannot be processed until the payment form is received.

What are the rates for Club J?

Club J
5 Days/Week – $4,500/year ($450/month)
4 Days/Week – $4,350/year ($435/month)
3 Days/Week – $4,200/year ($420/month)

Transportation Only
5 Days/Week: $2,000/year ($200/month)
4 Days/Week: $1,700/year ($170/month)
3 Days/Week: $1,300/year ($130/month)
The transportation only option is for children who get picked up once they arrive at the JCC or who are registered for an activity within 30 minutes of their arrival.


  • Transportation is planned from the following schools:
    • Austin Elementary
    • Chesnut Elementary
    • The Davis Academy (both campuses)
    • Dunwoody Elementary
    • Kingsley Elementary
    • Montgomery Elementary
    • Vanderlyn Elementary
  • Bus spaces will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Transportation is only available from schools that have a minimum of 10 full-time Club J children who have signed up for bus transportation.
  • You will be notified if your child’s school is part of the Club J transportation route by June 21, 2024.

Additional Information
All Club J participants must be current members of the MJCCA (part of a Family or Single Parent membership in good standing). Club J is a 10-month program (August-May). Club J will be closed for several religious and secular holidays throughout the year. Please refer to our calendar for specific dates of operation and closings. Fees are determined according to your child’s scheduled attendance and are divided into 10 equal payments, billed monthly from August 2024 to May 2025, regardless of the number of days Club J is operating each month. Charges for Club J are debited from your credit card or checking account on the 3rd of every month. Any changes in your child’s enrollment schedule must be approved in advance and are subject to a $25 change fee per change. Please provide written notification two weeks prior to the date the change will go into effect. Refunds for absences or missed days are not issued

A $50 non-refundable registration fee and $100 deposit are due at time of registration. The $100 deposit will be applied to the final Club J payment. Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable after June 28, 2024. Tuition rates do not include membership to the MJCCA or costs associated with School’s Out Camps.

What schools does Club J pick up from?

  • Transportation is planned from the following schools:
    • Austin Elementary
    • Chesnut Elementary
    • The Davis Academy (both campuses)
    • Dunwoody Elementary
    • Kingsley Elementary
    • Montgomery Elementary
    • Vanderlyn Elementary
  • Bus spaces will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Transportation is only available from schools that have a minimum of 10 full-time Club J children who have signed up for bus transportation.
  • You will be notified if your child’s school is part of the Club J transportation route by June 21, 2024.

What happens if bus transportation is not available for my child?

If you have already registered, but we are unable to provide transportation for your child, you can continue your Club J enrollment and provide your own transportation or, to withdraw your registration, contact us at Registration fees and deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable after June 28, 2024, except in cases where we cannot provide transportation from your child’s school.

What is the cancellation and refund policy for Club J?

Withdrawals must be provided in writing with a 30-day written notice. Club J is billed monthly – so once a withdrawal is requested – your family can receive a pro-rated credit for the remainder of that month. Registration fees and deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable after June 28, 2024, except in cases where we cannot provide transportation from your child’s school.

Please note, no refunds will be given for tuition during a temporary class closure that lasts 10 days or fewer.

Do you offer financial assistance for Club J?

Financial assistance is available to Club J Families. To learn more or to begin the application process, please “Sign in” at if you have used our FACTS financial assistance system before, or, click on “Create a username & password” to create an online account if you are new to FACTS. Priority will be given to the financial assistance applications that are submitted by June 10, 2024. Click here for details and frequently asked questions.

For more information, contact Barbara Vahaba, Financial Assistance Coordinator at 678.812.4142 or at All inquiries and financial assistance applications are kept confidential.

In order to be considered for financial assistance, a completed registration form must be submitted online. Payment for the registration fee and deposit must be received at the time of registration. Your remaining fees will begin to be charged through our payment plan option based on a 25% discount until your financial assistance amount is determined. Once you receive your actual financial assistance award, we will adjust any remaining payments accordingly.

In the event that financial assistance is not accepted, your deposit will be refunded or credited to your account after submission of a refund request in writing by emailing

How will groups be formed?

Participants will be assigned to a group by grade level and each group will have 2-3 staff members. Groupmate requests can be made but are not guaranteed.

Will you be providing a snack?

Club J provides child-friendly, kosher snacks daily that will also be nut-free. We are doing everything possible to work toward that goal of keeping our children with allergies safe. If your child has any food restrictions or allergies, please let us know by indicating it on your child’s Club J Forms. If your child is a picky eater, please feel free to send them with their own snack, as long as it does NOT contain tree nuts, peanuts, cashews, peanut butter, almond butter, Nutella, or any other foods containing any kind of nut. If you are unsure if a food is safe to pack your children for Club J, please call or email us.

Is there a lost and found?

Yes. The lost and found is located in the first three lockers by the entrance to the indoor pool. Items will remain in Lost and Found for one month and then will be donated if not claimed.

What will drop-off and pick-up look like?

All drop-off and pick-ups will be inside the main building at the Club J check-out desk located to the right when you walk inside. Parents must wait at the check-out desk for children to be called for check-out. Club J participants must be picked up by 6:00 pm. In the event you will be late, please call or email Club J in advance to let a director know. A late fee of $4.00 per minute per child will be charged to your JCC account when pick up occurs after 6:00 pm.

You may designate other individuals to pick up your child in the Club J Forms, however, they MUST know your child’s assigned dismissal number. If a person arrives to pick up your child and does not know your child’s dismissal number, regardless of being on your designated pickup list, your child will not be released into their care until a parent is reached via phone AND they provide a picture identification. Please be sure to tell your child’s dismissal number to all potential individuals who might pick up your child during the year.

Is late drop-off or early pick-up allowed?

Yes. All early pick-ups and late drop-offs must be scheduled in advance by emailing All early pick-ups and late drop-offs will take place at the Club J check-out desk. If no one is at the desk, please visit the Club J office.

Are visitors allowed at Club J?

For the safety of your child, the MJCCA does not allow visitors to our Club J programs. The exception will be any therapists or private support, that have been approved by the MJCCA to attend Club J.

How will Club J Directors communicate with parents?

Our staff members are always there for any parent questions/concerns. All communication will be shared electronically to the email addresses It is the responsibility of the family to let Club J know of any email address changes. Emails will come from and/or Kara Wilbourne at

Will my child be able to receive medication?

Yes. Club J can only administer prescription medication when we receive all appropriate medical forms. All prescription medication must be in the original container with the pharmacy label. All over-the-counter medication must be in the original packaging and clearly marked with your child’s name. Medication Dispense Forms can be found here.

What are your health and safety guidelines?

A MANDATORY health history form must be submitted (online) prior to the start of the year. It is the responsibility of the camp family to inform Club J Directors of any changes to the information submitted on the health history form. Please notify a director if your child tests positive for COVID-19. We follow current CDC protocols.

Do I need to submit any health information for my child?

A health history form must be submitted (online) prior to the start of the program. It is the responsibility of the family to inform the MJCCA of any changes to the information submitted on the health history form.

Parents must certify that that their child is up to date on all required immunizations appropriate for the child’s age. If not, they must provide appropriate documentation for a medical exemption. (Certification by parent or legal guardian required). Only medical exemptions approved by the MJCCA will be allowed.

Will I need to sign a waiver?

Yes. In order to ensure that every participant in our program understands the protocols, procedures, and risks of participation, each child will need a waiver signed prior to their first day of Club J. Signing the waiver will be part of your registration process.

Do you have any behavior guidelines for Club J?

Yes. Children attending our program must:

      • Participate safely and willingly with a group of peers in a variety of settings and activities.
      • Remain with the group and follow directions provided by staff.
      • Cooperate with and respect all staff, other children, MJCCA equipment and facilities.
      • Display non-aggressive behaviors.
      • Not pose a threat to themselves or others.

Failure to adhere to any of these guidelines will result in immediate dismissal and inability to return, with no refund. More information regarding behavior can be found in the parent handbook. We highly advise reviewing this with your child before the first day. We are unable to tolerate any behavioral issues of any kind for the safety and well-being of all children and staff. Club J behavior guidelines can be found here.

What are your inclusion guidelines?

The MJCCA’s Inclusion Program strives to provide the support and flexibility necessary to enable youth with special needs to participate in our innovative programs alongside their typically developing peers. Youth with special needs are supported by our Inclusion Team through program accommodations and may also receive individualized support. Our Inclusion Team collaborates with parents, educators, and staff to ensure the best possible program placement for youth of all abilities. The goal of our Inclusion Program is to provide the support necessary so all youth may access the transformative opportunities available at the MJCCA. For new participants seeking inclusion support, an intake process must be completed prior to confirmed enrollment. This will ensure that your child’s experience is as successful as possible. Please complete the intake process on the application which includes the questions below. Club J is a fast-paced environment with many transitional periods. While reasonable accommodations may be made, not all children will be best served in this environment. Participants who are the most successful include:

      • Children who participate safely and willingly with a group of peers in a variety of settings and activities
      • Children who display non-aggressive behaviors
      • Children who can keep their hands to themselves
      • Children who don’t pose a threat to themselves or others
      • Children who remain with the group and follow directions provided by staff
      • Children who understand the difference between right and wrong decisions

Should behavior incidents occur, each participant and incident is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

      • What was happening before the incident?
      • What are the known challenges for this participant?
      • What are the participant’s goals (i.e. social skills, self-regulation, etc.)

Should there be challenges that consistently present themselves, it will be up to the staff discretion whether to put one-to-one facilitation in place or if dismissal is necessary. Should it be determined that facilitation will be require, we encourage all families to provide their own support staff. If you need assistance in this process, we can help you. Please note, if we are able to provide the staff for you, there is an additional charge of $350/week based on a 5 day enrollment schedule. Additionally, it may take some time to get staff hired in our system. Your child will not be allowed to return to the program until this process is completed. While we aim for a 2-week turn around, we have encountered situations where it has been longer.

Club J is currently at capacity. Please email to be added to the waitlist.

The MJCCA’s Inclusion Program strives to provide the necessary accommodations and flexibility for youth who require additional support so they may access the transformative opportunities available at the MJCCA. Our Inclusion Team collaborates with parents, educators, and staff to determine if successful program placement is possible. These youth and their families are then supported by our Inclusion Team through program accommodations and may also receive individualized assistance. Click here for more information.

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