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Talya Gorsetman, Director of the MJCCA�s Lisa F. Brill Institute for Jewish Learning, Receives Melton Director�s Award for Excellence in Sustained Growth & Innovation

The Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta (MJCCA) is pleased to announce that Talya Gorsetman, Director of the MJCCA’s Lisa F. Brill Institute for Jewish Learning (which includes the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning) was presented with an award celebrating her leadership at the 24th Annual International Melton Directors Conference in Boca Raton, Florida. To learn more, visit, or call 678.812.4153.

The MJCCA’s Brill Institute for Jewish Learning, Atlanta’s largest adult Jewish education program, offers classes to more than 450 students at the MJCCA and 14 partner course locations across metro Atlanta. Courses are taught by some of Georgia’s most outstanding Jewish scholars, rabbis, and educators, with a range of daytime and evening options.

Partner course locations include: MJCCA’s Zaban Park (5342 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody); Congregation Etz Chaim; Intown Chabad; Age Well; The Center for Israel Education; The Temple; Young Israel of Toco Hills; Congregation Beth Shalom; Atlanta Jewish Academy; Temple Sinai; Congregation B’nai Torah; Congregation Shearith Israel; Congregation Bet Haverim; The Weber School; and Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Emory University.

“Talya was specifically lauded for the work she has done to sustain the growth of her Melton community of learners and the innovative ideas she brings to her work,” said Rabbi Rachel Bovitz, Executive Director of the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning. The Melton School, a project of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, was established in 1987 and is the largest global network of pluralistic adult Jewish education, with Melton Schools in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, and South Africa.

“In addition to overseeing a large faculty offering classes in twelve different locations across the Atlanta community, Talya is also a well-loved instructor,” continued Rabbi Bovitz. “Talya inspires her peers – Melton Directors from around the world with her innovative ideas, such as offering Melton’s Jewish Denominations course in a cross-denominational format with students and faculty representing the spectrum of religious affiliation within the Jewish community.” 

“Talya deeply believes in Melton learning and has seen how it impacts the lives of her students,” said Hope Chernak, MJCCA’s Chief Program Officer. “She continues to develop new ideas to reach different audiences of Jewish adults and bring them into her learning community. Talya and her staff provide the community with exciting courses, taught by gifted teachers.”

“The Lisa F. Brill Institute for Jewish Learning provides an environment which encourages open discussion and engagement,” continues Chernak. “Our learning environment is text-based, pluralistic, relevant, and is designed for people of all ages and denominations. This award that Talya has received exemplifies the growth and innovation that this department has seen, by positively and inclusively enlightening people who are interested in exploring their Judaism.”

For more information about the MJCCA’s Lisa F. Brill Institute for Jewish Learning, contact:  Phone: 678.812.4153 E-mail: Online:    
